Making offshore operations simpler and more cost-effective
High Level
Offshore operations around oil and gas facilities and wind farms are complex and expensive, from pre-exploration to post-operations. Unmanned vehicles can provide an effective alternative or complement in many applications.
Metocean / Weather
Gain real-time data on wind, air temperature, water temperature, wave height, surface / subsurface current at any remote location for more cost-effective offshore operations.
Hydrocarbon Monitoring
Monitor the ocean surface over a wide area and around the clock to assist in oil spill response efforts.
UUV Tracking
Provide position fixes for subsea vehicles such as underwater gliders, to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of collected data.
Data Harvesting / Communications Relay
Harvest data from undersea sensors without sending out a ship. Provide real-time, continuous access to undersea sensors or vehicles.
Hydrographic Survey
Conduct cost-effective unmanned hydrographic surveys with side scan and multibeam sonar near shore or out in exposed waters.
Passive acoustic monitoring
Obtain long endurance, around-the-clock monitoring for whales or other mammals around offshore projects with hydrophones or hydrophone arrays.
Learn how SeaTrac can lower cost and improve efficiency for offshore and near-shore data collection.