How it Works
A complete system for autonomous observation, data collection, and reconnaissance
High level
The boat is electric: it gets energy from the sun, and stores it in large batteries, enabling it to operate through varying weather conditions. The boat is autonomous: it runs programmed missions that can last from several hours up to several months. It normally makes decisions on its own, but it supports “person in-the-loop” and can be remotely controlled. Missions can be easily changed on the fly.
The base package includes several wireless links for basic inshore and offshore operations. Additional options are available to satisfy a variety of control and data requirements.
The boat is designed to operate in a wide range of conditions, from shallow embayments with significant current, out to the open ocean.
Mission control software
The system is designed to tackle a wide range of missions. Learn more
The base package includes a variety of built-in sensors, and the system is designed to support a wide range of customer payload sensors. View supported sensors
Launch and recovery
The base package includes a trailer for towing behind a car. There is also a single point lift at the center of the boat for crane pickup. See the boat
Learn how SeaTrac can lower cost and improve efficiency for offshore and near-shore data collection.