Supported Sensors
A versatile platform with a wide range of sensing capabilities
High Level
The SP-48 has been designed to host a wide variety of applications and sensors. It can support a total payload of up to 70 kg (150 lbs), drawing up to 500 W for day-long missions, or approximately 25 to 85 W for 24x7 operation (depending on desired cruise speed and available sun energy).
Built-In Sensors
The base package includes the following built-in sensors:
Wind speed / direction, air temperature, air pressure
Water temperature
Surface water current (speed and direction)
Boat speed through water
Boat heading
GPS location, speed and direction over ground
Internal systems (motors, batteries, etc)
Payload sensors
We support a wide variety of payloads and sensors for various commercial, defense and scientific applications. Below is a partial list of sensors that can be integrated onto the SP-48 platform. Contact us for more details about supported sensors and information on integrating new sensors.
- Water Quality Sensors
- Oceanographic Sensors
- Meteorological Sensors
- Environmental Samplers
- Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP)
- Fisheries & Aquatic Habitat Echosounders
- Lidar
- Magnetometer
- Imaging Sonar
- Multibeam Sonar
- Side Scan Sonar
- Synthetic Aperture Sonar
- Sub-bottom Profiler
- Acoustic Modems
- Hydrophone/Hydrophone Arrays
- Echosounders
- Inertial Navigation System
- Acoustic Positioning Systems – USBL, LBL
- Radar
- Camera (surface and underwater)
- Custom Radios
- Custom Sensors and Others...
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